Post-traumatic Olfactory Disorders: Case Studies
J. Vodička 1,2; K. Pokorný 1; E. Ehler 3; A. Pellant 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku, Krajská nemocnice Pardubice
1; Fakulta zdravotnických studií Univerzity Pardubice
2; Neurologické oddělení, Krajská nemocnice Pardubice
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2007; 70/103(6): 710-714
Case Report
Práce vznikla za částečné podpory prostředky výzkumného záměru IGA MZ č.1A/8667-4.
One of the rare diagnosis of neurological and ENT practice is the posttraumatic olfactory loss. ENT specialist is responsible for the diagnosis of conductive olfactory loss (synechiae of nasal cavity, sinonasal diseases), because conservative or surgical treatment can be efficacious in these cases. The degree of olfactory loss is to be established and malingering is to be excluded. In the paper we present three patients with posttraumatic olfactory loss. The first one suffered laterobasal trauma and simultaneously loss of olfaction. Smell deterioration was stated one month after the trauma by subjective olfactometry. 6 months after the traumatic event the hyposmia was finally diagnosed and simulation of olfactory loss was excluded. The second patient worked in the chemical factory and connected the loss of smell with his workplace. After repeated questions considering head trauma in his history, he addmited fall on his forehead in drunkeness. Based on MRI results the most probable etiology of smell impairment was stated as posttraumatic. In the third case an anosmia after head trauma in the occipital region is described. In the case presentation we focus on the diagnosis of olfactory loss and on the examination of olfaction.
Key words:
posttraumatic olfactory loss – lasting ill effects – olfactometry – malingering
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2007 Issue 6
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