Cerebrospinal Fluid Triplet in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer-Fischer disease
A. Bartoš 1,2; L. Čechová 3; J. Švarcová 1; J. Říčný 1; D. Řípová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
AD Centrum, Psychiatrické centrum Praha
1; UK v Praze, 3. LF a FN Královské Vinohrady, Neurologická klinika, Praha
2; Neurologické oddělení, Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie Benešov, a. s.
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2012; 75/108(5): 587-594
Original Paper
Clinical suspicion of a disease with dementia first described by Alzheimer and Fischer can be supported by changes in concentrations of three proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid: an increase in total tau and phosphorylated tau proteins and a decrease in beta-amyloid (so-called cerebrospinal fluid triplet). The aim of this research was to determine normal concentrations and compare them with levels in patients with Alzheimer-Fischer disease and other dementias.
Patients and methods:
We measured concentrations of cerebrospinal fluid triplet in the laboratory of the AD Center using Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay in 65 neurological patients without cognitive deficit (controls) [Mini-Mental State Examination, median and interquartile range: 29 (28–29) points] and 34 patients with Alzheimer-Fischer disease according to NINCDS-ADRDA criteria [Mini-Mental State Examination 21 (18–23) points]. Cut-off concentrations were determined using an analysis of receiver operating characteristic curves to achieve maximum sensitivity as well as specificity.
Patients with Alzheimer-Fischer disease significantly differed from control subjects in the cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of these analytes [median (interquartile range) pg/ml] of these analytes: total tau [Alzheimer-Fischer disease: 575 (273–1168)] vs [NC: 209 (158–276)], phosphorylated tau [Alzheimer-Fischer disease: 65 (42–90)] vs [NC: 33 (26–40)] and beta-amyloid [Alzheimer-Fischer disease: 560 (370–815)] vs [NC: 748 (580–885)]. Cut-off concentrations established by the receiver operating characteristic analyses were associated with these sensitivities/specificities of total tau 334 pg/ml (72 %/85 %), p181-tau 57 pg/ml (62%/95 %) and beta-amyloid 448 pg/ml (38 %/92 %). Ratios of the analytes, with the exception of beta-amyloid/total tau, or normalization of all three analytes relative to the total protein in the CSF were not better than the concentrations alone in the differentiation of both groups.
Total tau and the ratio of beta-amyloid/total tau showed the greatest diagnostic value. Results of cerebrospinal fluid triplet testing can support a diagnosis of Alzheimer-Fischer disease but limitations of this investigation have to be considered.
Key words:
Alzheimer’s disease – dementia – diagnosis – cerebrospinal fluid – tau protein – beta amyloid
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2012 Issue 5
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