Determination of tau proteins and β-amyloid 42 in cerebrospinal fl uid by ELISA methods and preliminary normative values
A. Bartoš 1,2; M. Smětáková 3; J. Říčný 2; L. Nosková 4; L. Fialová 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologická klinika 3. LF UK, a FN Královské Vinohrady, Praha
1; Národní ústav duševního zdraví, Klecany
2; Národní referenční laboratoř lidských, prionových chorob – imunologie, Ústav patologie a molekulární, medicíny 3. LF UK a Thomayerovy, nemocnice v Praze
3; Ústav lékařské biochemie a laboratorní, diagnostiky, 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2019; 82(5): 533-540
Original Paper
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare ELISA methods for determination of triplet protein levels – total (t-tau) and phosphorylated tau (p-tau) proteins and β-amyloid (1– 42) (Aβ42) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from manufacturers Fujirebio and EUROIMMUN; and to provide guidance for normal concentrations from cognitively healthy elderly people.
Patients and methods: The group consisted of 38 cognitively healthy persons over 55 years of age (19 men) whose average age was 67 ± 8 years. In each CSF sample, we examined the protein triplet by both ELISA INNOTEST and EUROIMMUN AG kits.
Results: A comparison of ELISA methods for determination of t-tau and p-tau proteins and Aβ42 using the Bland and Altman difference graph shows that the differences between methods, with the exception of isolated outliers, were within the range of compliance (mean ± 1.96 SD). Correlation coefficient values suggest significant agreement for t-tau protein assay kits. Based on our results and experience, we propose to classify CSF concentrations into three groups: 1. decreased; 2. questionable and borderline; 3. increased concentrations in ng/ L based on our consensus as follows: t-tau protein < 280– 400 >, p181-tau protein < 50– 60 > and Aβ42 < 430– 480 >.
Conclusion: ELISA kits from two producers are suitable for determination of the triplet proteins in CSF. Our results based on real measurements of samples of carefully selected and examined healthy elderly people from the Czech Republic or the norms based on our consensus recommendation can be used as reference range of the triplet.
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
目的:本研究的目的是比较ELISA方法测定脑脊液中三联体蛋白水平–总蛋白(t-tau)和磷酸化tau(p-tau)蛋白以及β-淀粉样蛋白(1- 42)(Aβ42)的水平( CSF),来自制造商Fujirebio和EUROIMMUN;并为认知健康的老年人提供正常浓度的指导。
患者和方法:该组由55岁以上的38名认知健康者(19名男性)组成,平均年龄为67±8岁。在每个CSF样本中,我们都通过ELISA INNOTEST和EUROIMMUN AG试剂盒检查了蛋白质三联体。
结果:使用Bland和Altman差异图对ELISA方法测定t-tau和p-tau蛋白以及Aβ42的比较显示,除孤立的异常值外,方法之间的差异均在适应性范围内(平均值± 1.96 SD)。相关系数值表明t-tau蛋白测定试剂盒具有显着一致性。根据我们的结果和经验,我们建议将脑脊液浓度分为三组:1.降低; 2.可疑3边界;.根据我们的共识,增加的ng / L浓度如下:t-tau蛋白<280– 400>,p181-tau蛋白<50– 60>和Aβ42<430– 480>。
关键词:阿尔茨海默氏病–β-淀粉样肽1-42 –脑脊液– ELISA – tau蛋白
Alzheimer‘s disease – cerebrospinal fluid – β-amyloid peptide 1-42 – ELISA – tau proteins
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