A Set of High Name Agreement Pictures for Evaluation and Therapy of Language and Cognitive Deficits

Authors: A. Bartoš 1,2;  P. Čermáková 2;  H. Orlíková 1 ;  M. Al-Hajjar 1;  D. Řípová 1
Authors‘ workplace: AD Centrum, Psychiatrické centrum Praha 1;  Neurologická klinika 3. LF UK a FN Královské Vinohrady, Praha 2
Published in: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2013; 76/109(4): 453-462
Category: Original Paper

Studie byla podpořena grantem MZ ČR IGA NT 13183. Děkujeme všem osobám, které vytvořily a trpělivě překreslovaly mnoho obrázků a řadu různých verzí jednoho objektu a sestavily z nich soubory k testování: Andrea Pekárková, Aleš Bartoš, Alexandra Šinkmajerová a především Hana Hejzlarová, autorka obrázků v závěrečné sadě. Bez jejího umění by se nepodařilo ztvárnit obrázky tak názorně. Velký dík za pomoc se sběrem dat patří paní Mgr. Ing. Haně Horynové a zdravotní sestře Libuši Sluníčkové. Vážíme si také všech osob, které ochotně podstupovaly prověřování kvality obrázků. Ceníme si připomínek k rukopisu od MU Dr. Daniela Klementa, Ph.D., a anonymního recenzenta.


Pictures are a popular tool for cognitive testing, memory training and speech therapy. However, a picture that can be termed in different ways can result in controversial interpretations. The correct naming of a picture depends on linguistic characteristics of the language (e.g. frequency and length of words), the drawing itself (how well it depicts the object), age, diagnosis and other factors. Therefore, we decided to form a file of pictures, obtain drawings and then select those with high level of name agreement (> 90%) in healthy seniors. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease may vary in their ability to term a picture. Therefore, another aim of this research was to rank the pictures according to the grade of difficulty associated with their naming by patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Subjects and methods:
Different cohorts of healthy elderly repeatedly named two-dimensional line drawings from 10 categories: animals, tools, clothes, fruits, vegetables, body parts, plants, means of transport, food, musical instruments. The pictures were redrawn, added or eliminated in eight consecutive steps. The final quality screening of 70 pictures from the seventh set was carried out in 76 healthy seniors (age 78 ± 7 years) and 57 patients with Alzheimer’s disease (age 81 ± 5 years, MMSE 22 ± 5 points).

The final set comprises 66 pictures in various semantic categories and with name agreement more than 90%. The graded naming difficulty was assessed by the difference in naming agreement between healthy elderly and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The pictures were divided into three groups: difficult (n = 13), moderate (n = 14) and easy (n = 40). Drawings showing hippopotamus, pretzel and walrus were the most difficult to name for AD patients.

The full final set contains pictures with different degrees of difficulty. Each has its own semantic category and is named by one Czech word with high level of name agreement. They are suitable for multiple purposes.

Key words:
pictures – naming – test – Alzheimer’s disease – dementia – cognitive disorders – mild cognitive impairment – logotherapy – memory training – semantic differential


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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery Neurology

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Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

Issue 4

2013 Issue 4

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