Guidelines for developmental dysphasia – version 2022

Authors: L. Pospíšilová
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení klinické logopedie, Demosthenes – dětské centrum komplexní péče, Ústí nad Labem
Published in: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2022; 85(6): 515-520


Developmental dysphasia is characterized by a disruption in language development. It is systematically classified as a new category of the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases called Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Their concept was developed on the basis of the recognition of a similar etiopathogenesis: a strong genetic background leads to structural changes in the brain. Other common features include a comorbid nature with mutual overlap, a tendency to persist and consequences in the social, emotional and academic domains. The disorders have significantly different publication indices, and developmental dysphasia, although one of the disorders with the highest prevalence, is still less well known. Moreover, for many years, its terminology and symptomatology have not been unified. In 2016 and 2017, there has been a consensus among English-speaking countries in terminology and identification of the disorder, the dia­gnosis is being refined, and the fewest studies with proven results come from the treatment itself. In the Czech Republic, there has not yet been a standard measure for making a dia­gnosis and proposing an intervention. For this reason, we present recommendations that are based both on current international knowledge and on the current state of Czech dia­gnostic material and Czech studies and the Czech environment in general, as the dia­gnosis of the disorder is linked to the linguistic and cultural environment. The main field in the process of dia­gnosis and treatment of developmental dysphasia is clinical speech therapy. Pediatric neurology is also an indispensable field. This manuscript introduces the process of dia­gnosis, differential dia­gnosis, and additional examinations for suspected comorbid conditions, specifies the multidisciplinary team and recommends a course of therapy.


Neurodevelopmental disorders – Autism spectrum disorder – Speech-language pathology – developmental dysphasia – developmental language disorder – speech sound disorder – attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder


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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery Neurology

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Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

Issue 6

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