Effects of Targeted Orofacial Rehabilitation in Patients after Stroke with Speech Disorders
P. Konečný 1,2; R. Vysoký 3; M. Elfmark 1,4; K. Urbánek 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav fyzioterapie, FZV UP v Olomouci
1; Neurologická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
2; Rehabilitační oddělení, FN Brno
3; Katedra biomechaniky a technické kybernetiky, FTK UP v Olomouci
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2017; 80/113(3): 316-322
Original Paper
Orofacial rehabilitation (OFR) plays an important role during rehabilitation of stroke patients. It is significantly involved in the overall treatment of post-stroke restoration of affected functions from early subacute stage of stroke. OFR involves interdisciplinary collaboration of speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and physicians involved in the treatment of post-stroke patients with orofacial disorders such as mimics, communication or food intake. These disorders are to a varying extent expressed in post-stroke patients and significantly affect the quality of their lives. Patients with speech disorders represent a large proportion of clients requiring rehabilitation treatment after stroke. In these patients, we find different forms and different degrees of facial disorders and varying degrees of dysarthric disorder. OFR plays an irreplaceable role in reeducation of speech functions of a patient, especially in correcting motor speech disorders. Our evaluation of the effects of the OFR has been designed as a case-control study and consists of 99 patients with a speech disorder (aphasia and dysarthria) in a setting of stroke. The aim of the research was to evaluate speech functions in these patients after completing a four-week institutional rehabilitation. In the study (experimental) group, the OFR performed by a physiotherapist was added to a conventional therapy (rehabilitation and speech therapy). Our research also included objective device evaluation of voice recordings using spectral voice analysis.
Klíčová slova:
stroke – oropharyngeal rehabilitation – aphasia – dysarthria – spectral analysis of speech
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
Chinese summary - 摘要
口腔康复(OFR)在卒中患者康复过程中起着重要作用,从脑卒中早期亚急性卒中恢复受影响功能的整体治疗中也具有重要的意义。 OFR涉及语言治疗师,物理治疗师,职业治疗师和参与治疗卒中后患者口腔疾病如模拟,通讯或食物摄入的医师的跨学科合作。这些疾病在中风后患者中表达的程度不同,并且显著影响了他们的生活质量。患有言语障碍的患者在卒中后需要康复治疗的客户中占很大比例。在这些患者中,我们发现不同形式和不同程度的面部障碍和不同程度的障碍。 OFR在病人的语言功能再教育中起着不可替代的作用,特别是纠正运动语言障碍。我们对OFR的影响的评估已经被设计为一个病例对照研究,由99名患有卒中中风的语言障碍(失语和发音障碍)的患者组成。研究的目的是在完成四周制度康复后评估这些患者的言语功能。在研究(实验)组中,由物理治疗师进行的OFR被添加到常规治疗(康复和言语治疗)中。我们的研究还包括使用光谱语音分析的语音录音的客观设备评估。
中风 - 口咽康复 - 失语症 - 发音障碍 - 语音频谱分析
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

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