Genetic and neurobiological aspects of comorbid occurence of autism spectrum disorder and epilepsy
P. Danhofer 1; O. Horák 1; Š. Aulická 1; K. Česká 1; J. Pejčochová 1; L. Fajkusová 2; H. Ošlejšková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika dětské neurologie LF MU a FN Brno, Centrum pro epilepsie Brno
1; Centrum molekulární biologie a genové terapie Interní hematoonkologické kliniky LF MU a FN Brno
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2019; 82(2): 148-154
Review Article
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is ranked among neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders with clinical onset in childhood. In recent years, this disorder has come to the forefront of scientific interest, mainly due to increasing prevalence of up to 1/ 68 in 2014. The genetic causes of the disorder and the pathophysiological mechanisms that might be involved in the development of ASD are revealed. Comorbid occurrence with epilepsy is quite common, in up to 46% of cases. This article summarizes the current knowledge in this field with a focus on the hypothesis of excitatory-inhibitory imbalance. Some genetic causes of ASD and current diagnostic options are also discussed. The pathophysiology of the co-morbidity of ASD and epilepsy is discussed in terms of possible therapeutic interventions.
Genetics – Autism – Epilepsy – Autism spectrum disorder – ASD
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Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

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